The word litany means supplication in Greek. As a prayer, litanies include a series of petitions and fixed responses. The priest or deacon during the Holy Mass or father in the domestic church leads the prayer and others follow with the response, "deliver me Jesus" or "pray for us".
A few months ago, I designed a prayer card of a litany including the patron Saints for each person in our family. I printed it out and put it on our home altar.
A few nights a week, during our family prayers, we recite our "Loesel Family Litany", asking our patrons to pray for us. This has been so fruitful.

The kids' each say their patron Saint, most of the time in song (because my husband converted last Easter and the Litany of Saints hymn is one of our favorite memories of the Vigil), and in unison we all say, "pray for us".
Hearing their little voices asking for their patrons to pray for them has been a beautiful gift for my husband and I. We have seen the grace that comes from the kids' childlike faith and friendship with their heavenly friends. It's also an opportunity to talk about the differences between each patron, the virtues we can learn from him/her, and how we were each designed uniquely and intentionally by our Father.
We learn from the Catechism that the Saints' "intercession is their most exalted service to God’s plan. We can and should ask them to intercede for us and for the whole world.” CCC, 2683. Reciting our family litany unites our earthly family with our heavenly family in prayer with Christ.
This month I ordered our icons to create a patrons' prayer space. We hung them up in our kids' playroom as a reminder that we are surrounded by their cloud of witnesses. I love how it turned out! The icons are wonderful quality and the colors are beautiful!

I designed a freebie for you to write your own Family Litany for your family to pray together. We pray that by asking for the prayers of your patrons, you and your family are full of peace and grace.
Simply print the litany form, write in your family patrons, and hang/place it in a space you will all pray together.
We recommend having holy cards, sacred art, or icons of your patrons for little ones to admire!
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