My husband and I celebrated our 7th anniversary this past Sunday, praise be to God!! We pray every night before bed for our marriage, for the Lord to keep us close to Him, and for our hearts to be opened to serve with Christ's love. We went on a date to one of our favorite Italian restaurants and mini golf! Here are a few ways to make your anniversary special.

7 ways to celebrate 7 years: 

  1. Go to Mass and get a blessing from your priest
  2. Read your wedding readings together - We read through our wedding Gospel at lunch with the kids!
  3. Wear white on your date - I have a white dress from a few years ago that our daughter says it's my wedding dress lol. It brings back all those giddy feelings from our wedding day and reminds me of my call to have a pure body, mind, and heart for this vocation.
  4. Dance to your wedding song - We did this a couple weeks ago in front of the kids and they were beaming. We believe it's so important for our children to see us show affection and romance toward one another.
  5. Pray the Litany for Marriage - We wrote this together in 2021 with a few of our dearest friends. The words in this prayer have given us encouragement and perseverance through any trials/seasons of desolation in our marriage. There is so much power in praying together as spouse!
  6. Look through wedding photo album - We do this every year with the kids! Our wedding photos bring back memories from the day and we cherish reminiscing as a family.
  7. Journal prayers and praises for the year - Grab a journal and write down all the praises from the past year in marriage and the prayers for this upcoming year. Be vulnerable with one another, share your desires for your marriage/family, and finish with a prayer of thanksgiving for your vocation:

"Lord, thank you for my husband/wife. Thank you for the beautiful vocation of marriage and all that it encompasses. May we always see the grace that you offer us through this covenant, and choose to love like you. Keep us united and defend us from the evil one. Amen."

Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin, pray for us.

St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.


"The very meaning of life is found in the giving and receiving of love." St. John Paul II

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